October 31, 2019
Hallam Conference Centre, London, UK
Europe/London timezone

This meeting aims at discussing and collecting the input of the community on the roadmap document (https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.04688) prepared by the Double Beta Decay APPEC Committee for the APPEC SAC on the future neutrinoless double beta decay experimental programme in Europe. The ultimate goal is to maintain a leading role in this scientifically important quest, in line with APPEC Roadmap recommendations (https://www.appec.org/wp-content/uploads/Documents/Current-docs/APPEC-Strategy-Book-Proof-19-Feb-2018.pdf). We will assess the existing, planned and proposed technologies, their discovery potential and technical challenges, making a critical examination of resources and schedules. We will also review the theoretical issues and the status and uncertainties on the nuclear matrix element evaluation. 

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Meeting ID: 175 887 675


Hallam Conference Centre, London, UK
44 Hallam Street, London W1W 6JJ, UK

Double Beta Decay APPEC Committee (DBDAC) members: Andrea Giuliani, J.J. Gomez Cadenas, Silvia Pascoli (chair), Ezio Previtali, Ruben Saakyan, Karoline Schaeffner and Stefan Schoenert.