27–29 Jul 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone

Thermalization of spatially homogeneous systems of gluons

Not scheduled
Poster presentation Poster session


Sergio Barrera Cabodevila (Instituto Galego de Física de Altas Enerxías (IGFAE))


We study thermalization of gluons with momentum $p$ characterized by $Q$ in spatially homomgeneous systems. In initially under-populated systems in which the equilibrium temperature $T\ll Q$, soft gluons are found to be rapidly generated via radiation to fill a classical thermal distribution $\propto T^*/p$ with $T^*\gg T$. Thermal equilibrium is established only after $T^*$ approaches to $T$ via radiation. Similar features are also found among soft gluons in initially over-populated cases. In these cases, thermal equilibrium is established when the momentum of gluons increases from $Q$ to $T$ mainly due to momentum broadening. No transient formation of the Bose-Einstein condensate is observed.

Primary authors

Bin Wu Carlos Albert Salgado Lopez (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ES)) Sergio Barrera Cabodevila (Instituto Galego de Física de Altas Enerxías (IGFAE))

Presentation materials