9:00 AM
Compatibility of experimental constraints in precise QCD analyses
Pavel Nadolsky
(Southern Methodist University)
9:40 AM
Stable covariance matrices for PDF fits
Zahari Dimitrov Kassabov Zaharieva
(University of Cambridge (GB))
10:40 AM
Correlations of PDFs, a_s and m_q in QCD analyses
Sergey Alekhin
Sergey Alekhin
(Hamburg University)
Serguei Alekhin
(State Res.Center of Russian Feder. Inst.f.High Energy Phys. (IFVE))
11:10 AM
Treatment of theory uncertainties in the PDFs
Cameron Voisey
(University of Cambridge)
11:40 AM
Parton Distribution Functions from Lattice QCD
Savvas Zafeiropoulos
1:40 PM
PDFs from LHeC and impact in LHC kinematics
Amanda Sarkar
(University of Oxford (GB))
amanda sarkar
2:00 PM
PDF prospects at HL-LHC
Shaun Bailey
(University of Oxford)
2:20 PM
PDFs from EIC and impact in LHC kinematics
(Southern Methodist University)
3:20 PM
Open-source tool for QCD analysis
Francesco Giuli
(INFN e Universita Roma Tor Vergata (IT))
3:50 PM
Prospects for PDF combination and benchmarks
Emanuele Roberto Nocera
4:20 PM
Combined fits PDF+EW parameters
Simone Amoroso
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
4:40 PM
EW corrections in PDF fits & photon PDF
Christopher Schwan
5:20 PM
Combined QCD and BSM analyses at HERA
Oleksii Turkot
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
Oleksii Turkot
5:40 PM
PDFs and SMEFT interplay
Shayan Iranipour
(University of Cambridge)