FCC Software Workshop and Hands-on Tutorial

593/R-010 - Salle 11 (CERN)

593/R-010 - Salle 11


Show room on map

The purpose of this event is to introduce the participants to the FCC Software status and plans and the current use of it.

The structure of the events will be:

   - Day 1, afternoon: technical overview and talks on specific components

   - Day 2, all day: hands-on with exercises

The hands-on will focus on how to use the existing software to perform an analysis and on some selected development examples. A survey has been created to select a set of hands-on development topics which better fit the needs and desires of the participants.

For the hands-on tutorial a CERN computing account is required. Please contact the organisers at fcc-software-workshop@cern.ch if help is needed with respect to this.

A mattermost channel is available to ask questions, especially for people following remotely: https://mattermost.web.cern.ch/fccsw/channels/fcc-software-workshop

We plan to have a workshop dinner on Wednesday evening in a nearby restaurant; if interested in participating please fill up the dedicated survey

Hands-On Development Topics
Workshop dinner on Thursday, Oct 20th