- Compact style
- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
The IRIS-HEP software institute has recently completed its first year after being funded by the National Science Foundation. During this first year the project team has been formed and ramp-up activities have taken place in all of the institute focus areas. The goals of the retreat are:
This event is being organised by the IRIS-HEP Software Institute, which is supported by National Science Foundation cooperative agreement OAC-1836650. |
XCache Discussion:
30mins cache integrity
- 10mins presentation by Brian + 20mins discussion
30mins joint containers, deployment, operations of service
- 10mins presentation fkw + 20mins discussion
Globus transition Discussion:
- see overview document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DAFeAaUmHHVcJGZMTIDUtLs9koCruQRDY1sJq1opeNs/edit)
Discussion session for an integrated Data Lake Demonstration / data challenge.
- 10min from Brian on vision behind this challenge.
- Which of the DOMA, AS, and SSL projects should be involved?
- What are demonstrable goals to hit in a challenge (PB transferred? sites involved? billions of events analyzed?)?
- What resources can we use? Which are "SSL" versus a real facility?
- What are the timelines and milestones to the data challenge?
XCache Discussion:
30mins cache integrity
- 10mins presentation by Brian + 20mins discussion
30mins joint containers, deployment, operations of service
- 10mins presentation fkw + 20mins discussion
Globus transition Discussion:
- see overview document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DAFeAaUmHHVcJGZMTIDUtLs9koCruQRDY1sJq1opeNs/edit)
Session will be in FCC1W
Session will be in FCC1W