Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

11 October 2019
Europe/Zurich timezone
There is a live webcast for this event.


Marc-Elian BEGIN

CEO and Co-founder at SixSq

Marc-Elian Bégin is CEO and one of the three original co-founders of SixSq. He holds a B.Eng. in Mechanical Engineering, specialising in Aerospace, from Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal and has been working in the software industry since 1994. During this time, he has worked with the Canadian and European Space Agencies, as well as CERN, on distributed software systems, grid and cloud computing development projects. In 2007, inspired by a drive to evangelise cloud computing, he realised one of his dreams and founded SixSq with 2 other partners. His current focus is edge computing technologies, DevOps and hybrid cloud solutions. With SixSq software and an amazing team, he builds smart city solutions and open data access to deliver real and tangible benefits to society. He regularly talks at local, national and international events, such as CeBIT, Swiss Open Cloud Day and CloudStack Collaboration Conference. Marc-Elian enjoys living and working in Geneva, Switzerland, while trying to keep up with his two fast-growing sons.


Michal ELIAS



Michal Elias is CEO of ADVANTICS Eurl. Before CERN, he studied electronic engineering in Prague, and worked in telecomunications and the medical industry.
Towards the end of his 5 years at CERN, he founded ADVANTICS an R&D company focusing on high efficiency power converters and charging systems for electric vehicles.
Currently ADVANTICS employs 7 people, out of whom 6 are CERN Alumni.

Ask Emil Lovschall-Jensene

COO at Seaborg Technologies

Ask Løvschall-Jensen is the a co-founder and COO of the fast growing Danish start-up Seaborg Technologies ApS. He did his PhD in experimental physicist at the ATLAS experiment and the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen. Following CERN he moved into a career with machine learning and data science, as well as innovation lead for the audience research department at Danish Broadcasting. The last years he has been dedicating all of his time to developing sustainable nuclear power in Seaborg where he’s been part of the journey since the company was three men on a raft to being more than 20 and hiring.


Mait Müntel



Mait Müntel is an entrepreneur with a background in particle physics. He received his PhD in Theoretical Physics in 2008 from the University of Tartu. He joined the CMS experiment at CERN while a PhD student in 2004 and left after the discovery of Higgs boson in 2013.

He had the idea of using the same algorithms from particle physics to help others learn languages 10 times more efficiently. Lingvist is its embodiment, a company with millions of users and a team of 40 people, including the core technology team leader and co-founder of Skype.

Mait was named among the 100 most influential EdTech leaders in 2015. He has since co-founded Fermi Energy. It will build the first small modular nuclear power plant in Europe.

An avid traveller, Mait has climbed the highest active volcano in Kamchatka and has reached the peak of Mont Blanc 10 times.


Rocio Perez-Ochoa



Rocío Pérez Ochoa cofounded Bidhaa Sasa in 2014, a social enterprise serving rural families in Kenya that makes household goods for clean cooking, clean lighting and more efficient farming more affordable and accessible.
She ensures the business does not run out of cash and analyses everything from client data, repayment patterns, sales processes, P&L and burn rate with nuclear precision (a PhD in particle physics helps!).
Before launching Bidhaa Sasa, Rocío set up and ran the financial arm of BBOXX, a manufacturer and distributor of solar systems, which had subsidiaries in the UK, Kenya, Uganda, and Rwanda.
She is also an angel investor in companies involved in solar energy, biomass energy, sustainable forestry, mini-hydro projects, and social bonds. Prior to becoming an entrepreneur, she worked for the UK Government as climate change policy adviser and spent almost a decade working in the City of London.


Helge Voss

Co-founder & CTO Syte Visual Conception


Before becoming  a co-founder of Syte, I was a physicist. I studied at the "Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitaet Bonn" in Germany. Afterwards I moved to CERN for a fellowship where in addition to my work on Triple-Gauge-Boson couplings with the OPAL collaboration I also joined CMS to learn about silicon hardware. After my fellowship I joined LHCb with the EPFL in Lausanne, finally really getting my hands onto silicon micro-strip detectors. I stayed with the LHCb Silicon Tracker while working for the University of Zuerich and the Max Plank Institue for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg and contributed to the design, testing, construction and commissioning of the detector.

In parallel, being fascinated by "machine learning" since using a Naive-Bayesian Likelihood during my Diploma and PhD analysis, I co-developed and lectured about the multi-variate or machine-learning toolkit TMVA.  This was the perfect stepping stone to join the Deep Learning boom in the outside world and now I use machine leaning for visual search in fashion and home decor.