West Coast LHC Jamboree
The idea is to gather together LHC experimentalists and theory colleagues to discuss possible developments for Run 3 and Run 4. In particular, we are interested in exploring if there are any new physics scenarios that we have yet to exploit, new developments that could enable new searches, and technical innovations to improve the sensitivity of measurements.
The format will be rather informal to facilitate the discussions. We plan on having theoretical overview of the following physics areas:
- Precision — Higgs & SM (i.e. VBS)
- BSM direct searches
- BSM Higgs
- LLPs
We would also like to discuss new techniques mainly impacting:
- Trigger
- Tracking/flavor tagging
- Machine Learning
although are open to any novel ideas!
Ariel Schwartzman
Aviv Ruben Cukierman
Ben Nachman
Caterina Vernieri
Charlie Young
Christopher Brainerd
Da Liu
Daniel Whiteson
Devin Nathaniel Taylor
Dong Su
Dylan Rueter
Enrico Herrmann
Felix Kling
Frank Jensen
George Wojcik
Giordon Holtsberg Stark
Haichen Wang
Howard Haber
Hsin-Chia Cheng
Jack Collins
Jannicke Pearkes
Jason Nielsen
Javier Mauricio Duarte
Jennet Elizabeth Dickinson
John Conway
Lauren Alexandra Tompkins
Matthias Danninger
Michael Fenton
Michael Peskin
Michail Bachtis
Mike Hance
Murtaza Safdari
Nickolas Mc Coll
Peilong Wang
Rainer Bartoldus
Reyer Edmond Band
Robin Erbacher
Sebastian Ellis
Simone Michele Mazza
Simone Pagan Griso
Thomas Rizzo
Troy Phelps Welton
Valentina Cairo
Yi Chung
Zhen Liu
Zijun Xu