29–31 Jan 2020
University of Venda
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

Testing of new low-voltage power supplies for the ATLAS tile-calorimeter front-end electronics

31 Jan 2020, 16:30
University of Venda

University of Venda

Senate Chamber P/Bag X 5050 Thohoyandou, 0950


Ryan Peter Mckenzie (University of the Witwatersrand (ZA))


The upgrade of the ATLAS hadronic tile-calorimeter Low-Voltage Power Supply (LVPS) falls under the high-luminosity LHC upgrade project. This presentation serves to provide a detailed overview of performance testing of an upgraded LVPS component known as a brick being undertaken by the Wits High energy physics institute in preparation for full-scale production within South Africa. This testing involves two distinct test stations known as the Production initial test station and the Burn-in station, both of which are being constructed at Wits. These function to quantify various performance metrics in order to enforce stringent quality control of the LVPS bricks before installation within ATLAS and will be covered in detail.


Ryan Peter Mckenzie (University of the Witwatersrand (ZA)) Edward Khomotso Nkadimeng (University of the Witwatersrand (ZA))

Presentation materials