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12–14 Nov 2019
Europe/Warsaw timezone

String Regge trajectory on de Sitter space and implications to inflation

13 Nov 2019, 11:15


Siyi Zhou


We study the spectrum of semiclassical rotating strings on de Sitter space and its consistency. Even though a naive extrapolation of the linear Regge trajectory on flat space implies a violation of the Higuchi bound (a unitarity bound on the mass of higher-spin particles in de Sitter space), the curved space effects turn out to modify the trajectory to respect the bound. Interestingly, there exists a maximum spin for each Regge trajectory as a consequence of accelerated expansion, which is helpful to make the spectrum consistent with the Higuchi bound, but at the same time it could be an obstruction to stringy UV completion based on an infinite higher-spin tower. By pushing further this observation, we demonstrate that the vacuum energy V inflating the universe has to be bounded by the string scale Ms as $V

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