MEDAMI 2022 - Multimodality molecular neuro-imaging: clinical and technical state-of-the-art

Mind hotel Slovenija, Obala 33, 6320 Portorož

VII. Mediterranean Thematic Workshop in Advanced Molecular Imaging, Portorož, Slovenia, 5-7 September, 2022

Following the series of previously conducted symposia on dedicated medical imaging instrumentation and applications, we are presently organizing the 7th issue of this event in Portorož, Slovenia.  Unfortunately due to the Covid-19 pandemics,  the workshop  has been postponed twice. We hope to meet you in-person this year.

The MEDAMI workshops are unique in that they address a medical imaging topic from the medical, clinical, and instrumentation perspective. They foster synergistic interactions between cutting edge applications and latest technical developments. Stakeholders from academia, medical institutions and organizations, regulatory agencies, and industry have an opportunity to jointly discuss strategic directions of the medical imaging field.

Some of the key topics this year’s forum shall address are:

  • Brain Imaging in research and clinics − status and next frontiers
  • Multimodality imaging advances in the context of understanding brain function in health and disease: neurodegeneration / dementia / brain trauma / psychiatry / addiction / brain cancer  
  • Role of animal models in the investigation of brain illness
  • Brain-body connection: Role of  high sensitivity / whole body scanners in brain imaging
  • Data harmonization
  • Technical Advances in brain imaging:  
    • TOF-PET: What timing resolution is needed? What is the impact?
    • Photon counting/spectral/low dose CT: revolutionizing trauma imaging
    • Is there a role for brain only scanners?
    • AI / ML / Deep learning: what does it bring to imaging?
  • Imaging accessibility to a wider community.
The program of the MEDAMI 2022 will include invited talks by key international opinion leaders and experts. However, a limited number of abstracts for oral or poster presentations will be accepted as well. If you have to report on a topic that you think fits into the scope of the program we will be happy to receive your abstract.
The workshop is supported by :
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