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4–7 Dec 2019
Paradise Hotel Busan
Asia/Seoul timezone

Four-form relaxation of Higgs mass and cosmological constant

5 Dec 2019, 11:30
Atlantis Room, B1 (Paradise Hotel Busan)

Atlantis Room, B1

Paradise Hotel Busan

296, Haeundaehaebyeon-ro (Jung-dong), Haeundae-gu, Busan, Korea


Hyun Min Lee (Chung-Ang University and CERN)


We consider the cosmological relaxation of the Higgs mass and the cosmological constant due to the four-form fluxes in four dimensions. We introduce non-minimal four-form couplings for reheating the Universe after the last membrane nucleation and propose some simple examples with a pseudo-scalar or a complex singlet scalar field. We also discuss the implications of the non-minimal four-form coupling to gravity for flattening the inflaton potential in chaotic inflation models with a pseudo-scalar field.

Presentation materials