19–23 Oct 2020
Europe/Zurich timezone

SWAN: Powering CERN's Data Analytics and Machine Learning Use cases

22 Oct 2020, 10:20
Regular talk 6 ML infrastructure : Hardware and software for Machine Learning Workshop


Luca Canali (CERN) Riccardo Castellotti (CERN) Prasanth Kothuri (CERN)


SWAN (Service for Web-based ANalysis) is CERN’s general-purpose Jupyter notebook service. It offers a pre-configured, fully-fledged, and easy to use environment, integrating CERN-IT compute, GPU, storage, and analytics services, available at a simple mouse click. In this talk, we will describe the currently deployed SWAN service, as well as recent developments and service improvements that can be useful for data scientists, ML practitioners, and physicists at CERN. In particular, we will cover the use of GPUs for model training, the availability of distributed computing using Spark for data preparation, and recent work to deploy SWAN on public clouds (OCI).


Presentation materials