17–19 Feb 2020
Europe/Zurich timezone
Learning the tools to make your analysis last to infinity and beyond!

Setup Information


Participants must bring a laptop with a Mac, Linux, or Windows operating system that they have administrative privileges on. They need access to LXPLUS and should have a grid certificate valid for either the CMS or ATLAS VO. A few specific software packages installed will be useful.  


We highlight recommend that you use python3 as opposed to python2.  Please take this as an opportunity and excuse to move your system to the modern age if you haven't already.  And if you need help, just ask :-)


Docker is a powerful tool that allows you to perform a virtualization of your environment but completely in software. It allows you to bundle up the installation of tools for use by others in a uniform way and we will be using it throughout this bootcamp. Installing docker is absolutely necessary and there are directions to do this in each operating system. For those of you that are using a Windows operating system, if you already have docker running and are comfortable using it, that is fine. However, if you do not, then be aware that its usage on Windows can be challenging and none of the mentors know how to use such a setup. Therefore, we highly recommend that you reconsider your decision to use the Windows operating system as a high energy physicist.

Windows : It is highly recommended that you DO NOT use Windows. Few individuals use this OS within the HEP community as most tools are designed for Unix-based systems. If you do have a Windows machine, consider making your computer a dual-boot machine Link to Directions.  If you insist, here are the directions to download Docker for Windows instructions.  Docker Desktop for Windows is the Community Edition (CE) of Docker for Microsoft Windows. To download Docker Desktop for Windows, head to Docker Hub.

Mac : Download Docker for MacOS instructions. Docker Desktop for Mac is the best way to get started with Docker on a Mac. To download Docker Desktop for MacOS, head to Docker Hub.

Linux : Downloading and installing Docker for Linux may be slightly more difficult but please contact the organisers or tutors as soon as possible so they can help with any problems.  Here are the instructions for two popular Linux distributions {CentOSUbuntu}. Instructions for other Linux distributions can be found on the Docker docs pages linked above.

pip : 

pip is a package manager that installs python packages.  The setup instructions for all operating systems can be found on their main page - https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installing/