21 October 2019
Science II, Salle A100
Europe/Zurich timezone

Jack D. Hidary is currently director of AI and Physics at X Labs, the advanced innovation lab of Alphabet X, formerly Google X, the moonshot factory. Jack and his group focuses on AI and on quantum computing. Also, he and his group develop research algorithms for NISQ-regime quantum processors as well as create new software libraries for quantum computing. In the AI field, Jack and his  group focus on fundamental research such as the generalization of deep networks as well as applied AI technologies.

In February 2019 he released a book on AI and Quantum Computing: Quantum Computing, an applied approach

He will exchange and talk to you about the recent moonshot activities in his group at Alphabet X, the moonshot factory.


* Registration is mandatory

Science II, Salle A100
Université de Genève / Sciences II et III Quai Ernest-Ansermet 30 1205 Genève

* Registration is mandatory

** First-come, first-served