5:00 PM
Offline Software Framework for the Super Tau Charm Facility
Wenhao Huang
(Shandong University)
5:20 PM
Parallel processing in data analysis of the JUNO experiment
Yixiang Yang
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
5:40 PM
The new GeoModel suite, a lightweight detector description and visualization toolkit for HEP
Riccardo Maria Bianchi
(University of Pittsburgh (US))
6:00 PM
detray - A compile-time polymorphic tracking geometry description
Joana Niermann
(Georg August Universitaet Goettingen (DE))
6:20 PM
Design of a request/response buffering application for I/O intensive workloads
Florian Till Groetschla
(KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
6:40 PM
The ATLAS Data Carousel Project Status and Plans.
Alexei Klimentov
(Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
7:00 PM
Exploring data merging methods for a distributed processing system
Piotr Konopka