17–30 Jun 2020
Asia/Jerusalem timezone

Scientific Programme

- Field Theory and the E-W Standard Model - Luis Alvarez-Gaume (Stony Brook)

- Physics Beyond the Standard Model - Nathaniel Craig (UC Santa Barbara)

- Neutrino Physics - Dmitry Gorbunov (INR, Moscow)

- Practical Statistics - Eilam Gross (Weizmann)

- Light and Ultra-Light Dark-Matter Physics - Yonit Hochberg (Hebrew Univ.)

- Higgs Physics - Fabio Maltoni (Louvain)

- Flavour Physics and CP Violation - Yossi Nir (Weizmann)

- Cosmology - Geraldine Servant (DESY & U. Hamburg)

- Outlook for Experimental HEP - Paris Sphicas (CERN & Athens)

- Heavy-Ion Physics - Itzhak Tserruya (Weizmann)

- QCD - Giulia Zanderighi (MPI, Munich)

In addition to the above, there will be lectures on the scientific programmes of CERN and JINR, by Fabiola Gianotti and Victor Matveev respectively, and a short course on science communications and outreach.

Discussion Sessions:

There will be parallel discussion sessions, lasting about 90 minutes, most afternoons during the School. Students remain in the same discussion group for the duration of the School. The discussion leaders will be:

- Julien Baglio (CERN)

- Gauthier Durieux (Technion)

- Alexey Gladyshev (JINR)

- Igor Ivanov (IST, Lisbon)

- Stephen Jones (CERN)

- Hyungjin Kim (Weizmann)

Group Projects:

The students in each discussion group will also participate in a collaborative project on an outreach theme. This will lead up to a presentation by a group representative in a dedicated session towards the end of the School. 

Poster Session:

All students are encouraged to present and discuss their work at a poster session during the first week of the School.