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NExT meeting: Gateways to New Physics

Pevensey III Building 4C10 + Fulton Building 107 (University of Sussex)

Pevensey III Building 4C10 + Fulton Building 107

University of Sussex

Daniel Litim (University of Sussex), Jonas Lindert (University of Durham (GB))

Gateways to New Physics

This half-day meeting of the NExT Institute will gather international research leaders and early career researchers to discuss recent progress and developments in particle physics at the high-energy and high-precision frontiers.

Participation is free of charge. Participants are kindly asked to register to help the organisation of the event.

Talks and presentations will run from 13:00 - 18:00.

The NExT Institute is a regional alliance in the South-East of England (SEPnet) to promote Particle Physics at the interface between theory and experiment.

  • Alessandro Barone
  • Alexander Lind
  • Antonella De Santo
  • Bowen Fu
  • Bradley Garland
  • Charanjit Kaur
  • Clara Hormigos-Feliu
  • Daniel Litim
  • Daniel Locke
  • Diana Rojas-Ciofalo
  • Eric van der Merwe
  • Gustavo Medina Vazquez
  • Harri Waltari
  • Henry Day-Hall
  • Jack Holden
  • Jack Mitchell
  • Jacob Thomas Linacre
  • Jonas Lindert
  • Matthew Ward
  • Nader Khonji
  • Ryan Wood
  • Sebastian Jaeger
  • Shubhani Jain
  • Simon King
  • Stefano Moretti
  • Stephan Huber
  • Vlad Mandric
  • Vladimir Pastushenko
  • Yannick Kluth
  • Yasar Hicyilmaz
  • YI LIU
  • Özer Özdal
    • 10:30 12:00
      NeXT: Steering Committee Meeting 4C10 (Pevensey III Building)


      Pevensey III Building

    • 12:00 13:00
      Sandwich lunch and Coffee 1h 4C10 (Pevensey III Building)


      Pevensey III Building

    • 13:00 14:30
      Talks: Session I 107 (Fulton Building)


      Fulton Building

      • 13:00
        LHC precision physics: a gateway to new physics 30m
        Speaker: Jonas Lindert (University of Durham (GB))
      • 13:30
        Anomalous magnetic moments and collider signatures from asymptotic safety 20m
        Speaker: Clara Hormigos Feliu (TU Dortmund)
      • 13:50
        SO(10) at the LHC 20m
        Speaker: Simon King (University of Southampton)
      • 14:10
        W-prime models at the LHC 20m
        Speakers: OZER OZDAL (Concordia University), Ozer Ozdal (Concordia University)
    • 14:30 15:00
      Coffee break 30m 107 (Fulton Building)


      Fulton Building

    • 15:00 16:00
      Talks: Session II 107 (Fulton Building)


      Fulton Building

      • 15:00
        Lepton number violating signals from right-sneutrinos 20m
        Speakers: Harri M Waltari (University of Helsinki), Harri Waltari
      • 15:20
        Some Phenomenological Aspects of U(1) Extended Minimal Supersymmetric Model 20m
        Speaker: Dr Yasar Hicyilmaz (University of Southampton)
      • 15:40
        WIMPs or else? Using Machine Learning for Dark Matter Detection 20m
        Speaker: Charanjit Kaur
    • 16:00 16:30
      Coffee break 30m 107 (Fulton Building)


      Fulton Building

    • 16:30 18:00
      Talks: Session III 107 (Fulton Building)


      Fulton Building

      • 16:30
        Dark Matter in the three Higgs doublet Model 20m
        Speaker: Diana Rojas-Ciofalo (University of Southampton)
      • 16:50
        Minimal Seesaw extension for Neutrino Mass and Mixing, Leptogenesis and Dark Matter 20m
        Speaker: Bowen Fu
      • 17:10
        Gravitational Waves: a gateway to new physics 30m
        Speaker: Stephan Huber (Unknown)