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Searches for exotics decays with NA62

5 May 2020, 15:15
Parallel Talk Flavor Flavor II


Stefan Alexandru Ghinescu (Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Enginee)


The NA62 experiment at the CERN SPS is designed to measure the branching ratio of the K+→π+vv ̅decay, one of the best candidates to reveal indirect effects of new physics at the highest mass scales. NA62 took data in 2016-2018. High-intensity setup and detector performance make NA62 particularly suited for searching new-physics effects from different scenarios involving feebly interacting particles in the MeV—GeV mass range: heavy-neutral leptons, axion-like particles, and others. The results from the analysis of data taken with dedicated setup and triggers developed to this purpose will be highlighted.

Primary author

Stefan Alexandru Ghinescu (Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Enginee)

Presentation materials