4–6 May 2020
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

A new mechanism for Matter Anti-Matter asymmetry

4 May 2020, 15:00
Parallel Talk BSM BSM I


Arnab Dasgupta (School of Liberal Arts, Seoul National University of Science and Technology)


We propose a new mechanism for generating matter-antimatter asymmetry via the interference of tree-level diagrams only. We first derive a general result that a nonzero $CP$-asymmetry can be generated via at least two sets of interfering tree-level diagrams involving either $2\rightarrow2$ or $1\rightarrow {\cal N}$ (with ${\cal N}\geq3$) processes. We illustrate this point in a simple TeV-scale extension of the Standard Model with an inert Higgs doublet and right-handed neutrinos, along with an electroweak triplet scalar field. The imaginary part needed for the required $CP$-asymmetry comes from the trilinear coupling of the inert doublet with the triplet scalar. Small Majorana neutrino masses are generated by both the scotogenic and type-II seesaw mechanisms. The real part of the neutral component of the inert doublet serves as a cold dark matter candidate. The evolutions of the dark matter relic density and the baryon asymmetry are intimately related in this scenario.


Matter Anti-Matter Asymmetry

Primary author

Arnab Dasgupta (School of Liberal Arts, Seoul National University of Science and Technology)


Sin Kyu Kang (Seoul-Tech) Dr Bhupal Dev (Washington University in St. Louis) Dr Yongchao Zhang

Presentation materials