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4–6 May 2020
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

Towards predictivity in asymptotically safe quantum gravity with matter

5 May 2020, 14:15
Parallel Talk Theoretical Developments Theoretical Developments & Extra Dimensions


Marc Schiffer (Heidelberg University)


In this talk, I will briefly introduce the scenario of asymptotically safe quantum gravity as a UV complete description of nature. In particular, I will focus on the enhanced predictive power coming along with the existence of an interacting UV fixed point of quantum gravity and matter. This allows to predict the IR values of some standard-model couplings, and might even give rise to a preferred dimensionality of our universe. In parts based on Phys.Lett.B 793 (2019) 383-389.

Primary authors

Marc Schiffer (Heidelberg University) Astrid Eichhorn

Presentation materials