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3–5 Feb 2020
Europe/Zurich timezone
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EOS Documentation for Enterprise Users

3 Feb 2020, 12:00
31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre (CERN)

31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


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Gregor Molan (COMTRADE D.O.O (SI))


EOS is a disk-based file system designed to be a fast, low-latency, high availability, and elastic storage to capture the results of CERN experiments. Nowadays, EOS has been developed to the stage where it became potentially interesting for enterprise users – that is where Comtrade with its vast experience with enterprise software development came in.

The documentation development process is proposed to be divided into six books and two supplements:

  1. The realistic use cases of functionality
  2. The source code corresponding to a specific work package
  3. Feedback from end-users
  4. Internal documentation regarding the functionality prepared by developers
  5. Verification of documentation prototype at the live EOS storage system at CERN
  6. Set up of EOS corner case environments on virtual hosts (Geo-scheduling, Balancing, Upgrades)
  7. Best practice guide
  8. Installation guide

The result of the presented documentation process is the prototype for EOS documentation. This prototype is validated both by domain experts (developers) and end-users. Feedback is implementing into a version that is edited by professional proofreaders. Iterations of revisions between proofreaders and experts are ongoing processes. The final version of this prototype is also designed by the graphic design team.

The presented documentation process is provided as the first step towards establishing EOS as a viable enterprise storage product.

Primary author

Gregor Molan (COMTRADE D.O.O (SI))

Presentation materials