24–29 May 2020 Postponed
America/Vancouver timezone

CUTE – a low background facility at SNOLAB for testing cryogenic detectors : status

26 May 2020, 09:36
Parallel session talk Experiments: Dark Matter Detectors Experiments: Dark Matter Detectors


The Cryogenic Underground Test (CUTE) facility, installed at SNOLAB, is designed for testing and characterization of cryogenic detectors in a low-background and low-vibration environment. The cryostat that provides the low operating temperatures of ~15 mK is surrounded by a layered shielding of water and low-activity lead leading to an estimated background of order of a few events/(keV.kg.d) at energies in the few keV range. A dedicated cleanroom protects the detectors during the change of the payload from radon and dust deposits.
The facility is currently at the commissioning stage, operating SuperCDMS detectors. In this presentation we will discuss the design and construction of the facility, provide first performance data from the commissioning and will give an outlook at uses of the facility in the near and medium term future.


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