24–29 May 2020 Postponed
America/Vancouver timezone

The Large Area Picosecond Photodetector (LAPPD) 8” MCP-PMT: Recent Results

26 May 2020, 11:36
Parallel session talk Sensors: Photo-detectors Sensors: Photo-detectors


Dr Mark Popecki (Incom, Inc.)


The LAPPD is a 400 cm2 microchannel plate photomultiplier (MCP-PMT) with a timing resolution better than 60 pS. The large area and high speed makes the LAPPD suitable for viewing large area scintillators or large experimental volumes, and for applications such as neutron detectors or Cerenkov light detectors. It has sensitivity to single photoelectrons with a gain of ~7E6 or higher. It incorporates a bi-alkali Na2KSb photocathode, with a peak sensitivity below 365 nm. Photocathodes have quantum efficiencies of 25-30% at 365 nm. The standard LAPPD has an interior stripline anode. An alternative version of the LAPPD has been developed that capacitively couples pulses to an external signal board. The signal board may have any pattern, including striplines or pixels. This flexibility facilitates observations of high rate or spatially localized phenomena. This work presents new results for time resolution, position and gain response as a function of event rate.


Dr Mark Popecki (Incom, Inc.) Dr Bernhard Adams (Incom, Inc.) Mr Satya Butler (Incom, Inc.) Dr Till Cremer (Incom, Inc.) Dr Camden Ertley (Incom, Inc.) Mr Michael Foley (Incom, Inc.) Mr Cole Hamel (Incom, Inc.) Dr Alexey Lyashenko (Incom, Inc.) Dr Michael Minot (Incom, Inc.) Dr Jeffrey Elam (Argonne National Laboratory) Dr Anil Mane (Argonne National Laboratory)

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