24–29 May 2020 Postponed
America/Vancouver timezone

Pathfinders for the Pacific Ocean Neutrino Experiment

28 May 2020, 15:12
Parallel session talk Experiments: Space and particle astrophysics Experiments: Space and particle astrophysics


Christian Spannfellner (Technical University of Munich (TUM))


The Pacific Ocean Neutrino Experiment (P-ONE) is a new initiative between Canadian and German groups that aims to construct a large volume neutrino telescope in the Northeast Pacific Ocean and, in this way, complement the sky coverage of the existing or under construction neutrino telescopes. As part of the NEPTUNE observatory, established by ONC, two pathfinders were initiated and connected to the Cascadia Basin node, which will host P-ONE. The first pathfinder STRAW (STRings for Absorption length in Water), deployed in June 2018, has measured the optical properties of the deep Pacific Ocean. Besides that, it is also monitoring the in-situ background rates due to K40 decay and bioluminescence. STRAW-b, the second pathfinder, aims to further characterize the deployment site with its six specialized modules, consisting of two LiDARs, three spectrometers and a muon tracker. The talk covers technical details and preliminary results of both pathfinders and concludes with an P-ONE outlook.


Andreas Gaertner (University of Alberta) Christian Fruck (MPP) Christian Spannfellner (Technical University of Munich (TUM)) Daniele Vivolo Elisa Resconi (Technical University Munich) Immacolata Carmen Rea (Technical University Munich) Kilian Holzapfel (Technical University of Munich (TUM)) Klaus Leismueller (Technical University Munich) Mr Laszlo Papp (TUM) Michael Boehmer (Technical University Munich) Roman August Gernhaeuser (Technische Universitaet Muenchen (DE))

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