24–29 May 2020 Postponed
America/Vancouver timezone

Development and Testing of Multi-Radiation Systems for the Characterisation of Nuclear Facilities.

28 May 2020, 09:18
Parallel session talk Technology Transfer Technology Transfer


Bjoern Seitz (University of Glasgow)


A compact scintillation detector system based on SiPM and GAGG:Ce crystals has been developed to provide a small $\gamma$-spectroscopy system for the deployment in pipe-work with suspected nuclear contamination. The sensor also shows very good performance in the detection of $\beta$-particles.
An energy resolution of 7% for $E_\gamma=662 keV$ has been achieved with a peak-to-total ratio of 34% at this energy.
The radiation hardness of the material was studied for the first time by examining the photo-luminescence spectrum for a variety of doses up to 100 kGy, delivered by a calibrated $^{60}Co$-source. A deterioration of 15% has been found.
The presentation will detail the design, tests and performance of the system and compare this to the requirements of nuclear and environmental science.


Bjoern Seitz (University of Glasgow)


Dr Richard Gray (University of Glasgow) Francis Thomson (University of Glasgow)

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