24–29 May 2020 Postponed
America/Vancouver timezone

CMS ECAL upgrade for precision timing and energy measurements at the High-Luminosity LHC

25 May 2020, 14:54
Parallel session talk Experiments: Calorimeters Experiments: Calorimeters


Thomas Reis (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB))


A dual gain trans-impedance amplifier and an ASIC providing two 160 MHz ADC channels, gain selection, and data compression will be installed. The noise increase in the APDs, due to radiation-induced dark current, will be contained by reducing the temperature at which ECAL is operated. The trigger decision will be moved off-detector and performed by powerful and flexible FPGA processors, allowing for more sophisticated trigger algorithms to be applied.
The upgraded ECAL will be capable of high-precision energy measurements and will greatly improve the time resolution for photons and electrons above 10 GeV. Together with the introduction of a new timing detector designed to perform timing measurements with the resolution of a few tens of picoseconds for minimum ionizing particles, the CMS detector will be able to precisely reconstruct the primary interaction vertex under the described pile up conditions.


Celso Martinez Rivero (CSIC - Consejo Sup. de Investig. Cientif. (ES)) Thomas Reis (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB))

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