We will present the evolving design, results on the performance of irradiated SiPMs, the optimisation of scintillator tiles, the status of active element prototypes with integrated electronics, and the preparations for automated production. In the higher radiation zone silicon has been chosen due to its intrinsic radiation hardness. The silicon sensors will be of hexagonal shape, with three...
The Silicon Geiger Hybrid Tube (SiGHT) is a novel photosensor designed for future generations of rare event search experiments using noble liquids. The idea is to replace conventional multi-dynode photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) with a hybrid technology, consisting of a low temperature sensitive bi-alkali photocathode for conversion of photons into photoelectrons and a low dark count Silicon...
The nEXO experiment is a TPC planned to search for neutrinoless double beta decay (0𝝂𝛽𝛽) in Xe136 enriched liquid xenon, with a projected sensitivity sufficient to probe the neutrino mass inverted hierarchy. The isotope Xe136 is the 2𝝂𝛽𝛽 source while the remaining xenon acts as the detection medium, using silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) to detect scintillation light. The largest contribution...
Silicon Photo-Multipliers (SiPMs) have emerged as a compelling photo-sensor solution. In contrast to the widely used Photo-Multipliers Tubes, SiPMs have high single Photon Detection Efficiency (PDE) with low radioactivity. For these reasons, large-scale low-background cryogenic experiments, such as the next-generation Enriched Xenon Observatory experiment (nEXO), are migrating to a SiPM-based...
The Vacuum Silicon PhotoMultiplier Tube (VSiPMT) idea was born in Naples with the intent of substituting PMTs dynode chain, which bring many problems due to the gain concept adopted. Looking at the history of photodetectors, one can notice that there are different attempts to overcome the ”dynode problem”. Over the years, SiPMs and HPDs went closer to the solution of the problem. Neverthless,...
We present the latest results on NanoUV, a novel UV light detector concept based on aligned carbon nanotubes. The efficiency of today’s UV light detectors is limited by the quantum efficiency of photocathodes, which for photons in the UV range rarely exceeds 20-30% in commercial models. This is because photoelectrons produced by UV photons have low energy, and are therefore easily re-absorbed...
The LAPPD is a 400 cm2 microchannel plate photomultiplier (MCP-PMT) with a timing resolution better than 60 pS. The large area and high speed makes the LAPPD suitable for viewing large area scintillators or large experimental volumes, and for applications such as neutron detectors or Cerenkov light detectors. It has sensitivity to single photoelectrons with a gain of ~7E6 or higher. It...
By placing, in vacuum, a stack of transmission dynodes (tynodes) on top of a CMOS pixel chip, a generic, digital, single free electron detector could be made with potentially one ps time resolution. Its essential element is the tynode: an ultra thin membrane, which emits, at the impact of an energetic electron on one side, a multiple of electrons at the other side. The electron yields of...
The construction of a RICH detector for high momenta hadron identification at the future Electron Ion Collider is challenging: the compact detector setup imposes a short radiator, limiting the number of photons. A windowless RICH operating in the far UV region is a possible choice. CsI is a widely used photo-cathode (PC) for far UV photons, but it is hygroscopic, delicate to handle and its...
The large scaler neutrino detectors (JUNO, HyperK), need the large area PMTs for the large photocathode coverage and less electronic channels. Researchers at IHEP have conceived a new concept of large area PMTs, of which the small MCP units replace the bulky Dynode chain. After several years R&D, the 20 inch MCP-PMT was successfully produced. This type of PMT has large sensitive area, high QE,...
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a multi-purpose neutrino experiment. The main physics goal of JUNO is determination of neutrino mass hierarchy by utilizing reactor neutrinos. There will be appropriate 20000 20” PMTs equipped for JUNO, including 15000 MCP-PMT from NNVT and 5000 dynode-PMT from Hamamatsu. To achieve the designed 3%@1MeV energy resolution, the PMTs need to...
New developments have allowed, for the first time, use of $6\,\mathrm{\mu m}$ pore MCPs in $53\times 53\,\mathrm{mm^2}$ active area MCP-PMTs, enabling improved magnetic field immunity and timing performance for single photon detection applications. The performance of Photek MAPMT253 MA-MCP-PMTs using ALD coated versions of these new MCPs will be assessed and compared with the standard...
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of radiation damage on a VUV-MPPC caused by VUV light.
We observed PDE degradation of VUV-MPPCs installed in liquid xenon γ detector for the MEG experiment under μ beam. One possible cause can be a surface damage at Si-SiO2 interface. The electric field near the interface can be reduced by accumulated holes from the ionization of incident particles....
Silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) are now widely used in high-energy physics. They are popular because of their small size, their capability to detect single-photons, their insensitivity to magnetic fields, and their low radioactivity. It is, however, challenging to achieve high photon detection efficiencies in the UV and VUV. A feature that is very much desired in liquid Argon and Xenon...