5–9 Nov 2021
60th Anniversary Hall , Inha Univ. Incheon, South Korea
Asia/Seoul timezone

LAMPS experiment -Status and plan-

9 Nov 2021, 11:59
Room 107 (60th Anniversary Hall , Inha Univ. Incheon, South Korea)

Room 107

60th Anniversary Hall , Inha Univ. Incheon, South Korea

INHA UNIVERSITY, 100 Inha-ro, Michuhol-gu, Incheon 22212, South Korea


Dr Jongwon Lee (Korea Univ.)


LAMPS experiment is designed to research various physics topics in heavy ion physics, Symmetry energy, Collective flow, Mirror nuclei ratio, Dipole emission, etc.
LAMPS group developed and construct detectors for LAMPS experiment for several years.
RAON, the first laboratory for heavy ion physics research in Korea, is about to end its 1st step construction in 2021.
LAMPS experiment is in line with the completion, will end its development and construction of sub-detector systems from starting counter to neutron detector arrays.
We will talk about the current status and plan for LAMPS experiment.

Primary author

Dr Jongwon Lee (Korea Univ.)

Presentation materials