5–9 Nov 2021
60th Anniversary Hall , Inha Univ. Incheon, South Korea
Asia/Seoul timezone

DJBUU: A new transport model for RAON experiments

8 Nov 2021, 11:59
Room 107 (60th Anniversary Hall , Inha Univ. Incheon, South Korea)

Room 107

60th Anniversary Hall , Inha Univ. Incheon, South Korea

INHA UNIVERSITY, 100 Inha-ro, Michuhol-gu, Incheon 22212, South Korea


Dr Myungkuk Kim (UNIST)


Transport theory can extract microscopic information in heavy-ion collisions of low-energy region. Though many transport codes have been emerged in recent years, there is not any codes optimized for Korean HIC acclerator. We initiated a new project so called DJBUU project with easy handling in order to prepare experiments in Rare isotope Accelerator complex for ON-line experiments (RAON). One branch of the transport models, Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck (BUU), is based on the kinetic theory with microscopic interactions and quantum properties. As the name of DJBUU suggests, it is based on BUU-type and the interactions are based on the relativistic mean-field approximations. Dynamical evolution of heavy-ion can be simulated by introducing two significant ingredients, collisions and potential. In this talk, I will introduce a newly developed transport model, DJBUU which is optimized for RAON experiments and discuss about the hint of nuclear symmetry energy from transport calculations.

Primary author

Dr Myungkuk Kim (UNIST)

Presentation materials