HPTPC analysis and software meeting

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      HPTPC instrumentation paper status
      Speakers: Abigail Waldron (Imperial College (GB)), Alexander Deisting (Royal Holloway University of London (GB))
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      Inst paper - Ongoing measurements

      Update on status & setting up some shifts

      Speakers: Alexander Deisting (Royal Holloway University of London (GB)), Asher Kaboth (University of London (GB)), Harrison Peter Ritchie-Yates (University of London (GB)), Jocelyn Rebecca Monroe (University of London (GB)), Zachary Chen-Wishart (Royal Holloway University of London)
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      Beam flux paper status
      Speakers: Seb Jones (University of London (GB)), Toby Nonnenmacher (Imperial College London)
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      AOBs - raptorr
      • CCD
      • Waveform
      • 'Global'
      Speakers: Alexander Deisting (Royal Holloway University of London (GB)), Dominic Bevan Brailsford (Lancaster University (GB)), Edward Thomas Atkin (Imperial College (GB)), Harrison Peter Ritchie-Yates (University of London (GB)), Jennifer Teresa Haigh (University of Warwick (GB)), Patrick James Dunne (Imperial College (GB)), Sammy Lee Valder (University of Warwick (GB)), Seb Jones (University of London (GB)), Toby Sean Nonnenmacher (Imperial College (GB)), William Charles Parker (University of London (GB)), Zachary Chen-Wishart (Royal Holloway University of London)
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      Stunningly brilliant progress in the light analysis
      Speaker: Abigail Waldron (Imperial College (GB))
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