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GIF++ installation and schedule meeting

892/1-B09 (CERN)



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Giuseppe Pezzullo (CERN), Martin Richard Jaekel (CERN), Federico Ravotti (CERN)
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    • 09:15 09:35
      Review of last week operation & plans for this week 20m

      User Reports / Overview :


      ATLAS-MM :  Long term chamber to be installed tomorrow (LM2 (Pos,D02)).
      Wednesday, 2 new large detectors to installed.  (Moving to large detector for the next months)
      New detectors are expected every Wednesday. Running from pre-mixed bottle (bank).

      Discussion : Possible installation of 1 full assembled sector in Upstream. ≈ Feb. for 2 months.
      Will be clarified in the coming weeks.

      ATLAS - sTGC :  5 chamber in preparation area. 2 chamber to be moved in tomorrow.
      20 large chambers expected on Wednesday.

      CMS-CSC:  Setup from preparation area to be moved (bunker upstream or Bld. 904).

      EP-DT1:  Moving back to position on Friday.

      EP-DT2 :  Restart tomorrow. New (additional) detector to installed on Wednesday.
      Request to have the default value 2.2 in upstream.

      CMS-DT: Rails back installed. Electronic racks needed mid-November.
      Chamber expected to be installed around February.

      EcoGas :  Restart Ar flushing as soon as gas is back.

      CMS-RPC : Plan to restart on Monday.  iRPC will stay for another month.
      Trolley 1& 3 in bunker.  Cosmic trigger activity to restart also on Monday.

      ATLAS-RPC :   No report.

      LHCb : working on the irradiated prototypes removed from GIF++ some months ago.
      Will be back in GIF++ most probably next year. A standalone gas line/supply will be needed this time.    


      Weekly Planning : 

      UPSTREAM : Default filter settings :  2.2

      DOWNSTREAM :  Default filter settings :  1



    • 09:35 09:40
      Long Term Planing - General Items 5m


      Stop of Gas supply for 7.01 to 10.01 !

      Gas usage at GIF :  we need to compile a table of gas mixture / consumption

      Gas training courses : ATEX level 1  and F-Gas training courses.
      List of trained people to be collected.

    • 09:40 09:50
      New requests for tests at GIF 10m

      introduction, goal of the test, plan, needs

      BLM measuring campaign announced / ≈ 100 BLM, 3 days approx.  First half of 2020 ?

      Gas recuperation system to be installed - Responsible : Roberto
      4 additional racks in Gas Service area. One containing flammable gas.
      FG detection system to be installed, power needs to be provided.
      (DELAYED by a few months. Will be first installed in CMS, and only later come to GIF)

      Bulgaria academy of science -> testing of new type of radiation monitor system

      A new setup of ALICE-RPC will come. More news in coming weeks.

    • 09:50 10:00
      Infrastructure & Upgrades to the Facility 10m

      Improvements needed or planned for the facility.

      Speakers: Giuseppe Pezzullo (CERN), Martin Richard Jaekel (CERN)

      Need to install AUL in far end of bunker. To be scheduled.

      • LS2 restrictions & interventions 5m

        Ongoing :

        PRIMARY & RAW WATER 2/2


        • –  CT2 (Primary water) : Running until 18th Oct 19 and will be stopped until 15th Apr 20.

        • –  BA81 (Raw water) : Running until 17th Oct 19 and will be stopped until 17th Apr 20.

        • –  BA82 (Raw water) : Running until 17th Oct 19 and will be stopped until 17th Apr 20.

      • Cosmic Trigger 10m
    • 10:00 10:30
      Announcements 30m
      • IMPACTS for 2020 5m

        Guidelines for filling in IMPACT requests

        List of active IMPACT declarations :

        General Guideline : One IMPACT per setup.

        • two chambers on individual supports -> 2 IMPACT declarations
        • multiple chambers swapped on same or similar support -> one IMPACT declaration
        • basically, if you need two locations, please make two IMPACT declaration (clone)

        Each Setup should have IMPACT label attached with number.
        Attached documents : CAD file  or  picture.
        Review working hours : if your declaration includes the bunker area, please state the number of hours you want to stay INSIDE the bunker only (for RP purposes).

      • New Announcements 5m
      • AOB 5m