June 29, 2020 to July 3, 2020
Europe/Zurich timezone

At the dawn of the precision era at the LHC, Monte Carlo Event 
Generators constitute the main bridge between theory and experiments. In 
this scenario, it becomes paramount to understand quantitatively the 
perturbative accuracy of the underlying algorithms in view of assessing 
precisely their theory uncertainty, and of formulating new methods to 
achieve higher perturbative accuracy in the simulations. In parallel, 
this theoretical progress crucially requires an efficient exploitation 
of modern computing technology to address the substantial CPU demand for 
event simulations at modern collider experiments. The goal of this 
workshop is to bring together leading experts in the field to analyse 
recent progress and encourage new collaborations to tackle the main open 

Organizers: Silvia Ferrario Ravasio (IPPP, Durham), Pier Monni (CERN), Stefan Prestel (Lund Univ.), Emanuele Re (LAPTH, Annecy), Peter Richardson (CERN).

Application deadline : March 29, 2020 h23:59


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the workshop will be divided into two sessions as follows:

  •  A one-week virtual workshop in the period 29 June - 3 July 2020. This will serve as a kick-off meeting, and to trigger discussions that can be continued in the next session.
  •  A one-week physical workshop in the period 23 - 27 August 2021, where we will have more in-depth discussions about the topics triggered by the kick-off meeting. 
Zoom Only