Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

31 March 2020 to 2 April 2020
Europe/Zurich timezone

The Meeting will be held ONLY VIDYO from REMOTE -

(alternative zoom ooordinate  * )

Tuesday March 31 up to Thursday April 2  - ONLY in the AFTERNOON starting h 14 each day

in response to CERN request to limit the size of meetings due to the novel coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak, that will prevent many of us to be present at CERN

Muon colliders can in principle reach the highest lepton collision energies,  allowing unprecedented exploration in direct searches of new heavy states and high-precision tests of standard phenomena.  

While the full physics potential at high energies remains to be quantified, the number of produced Higgs bosons will allow to measure its couplings to fermions and bosons with an unprecedented precision.  Moreover this machine, if it can reach adequate instantaneous luminosity, will allow to directly measure the parameters of trilinear and quadrilinear self-couplings, enabling the precise determination of the Higgs boson potential.

To progress on the concept of such a collider and on individual hardware components, further development and innovation are required to bring the technology to a maturity level that allows reliable predictions of the performance, cost, power consumption and risk.

This working meeting will identify the critical steps in a design study towards an initial machine operating at 3 TeV center-of-mass energy.

A detailed plan for physics studies as well as the R&D and design efforts necessary for the detectors, MDI, muon source, machine, and facility infrastructure will be assembled.  Successful implementation of a muon collider will require a number of cutting edge technologies, and demonstration of these technologies is a topic of particular interest. 

The path to a higher center-of-mass energy option for a future energy frontier machine will also be discussed.

The meeting aims to assemble a world-wide group of experts for detailed discussions on physics benchmarks, the required detector simulation and design efforts, as well as  the machine and the technology development necessary to implement such a facility.

The output will be a roadmap for the R&D and design efforts with clearly identified priorities and work descriptions. This roadmap will  facilitate the formation of an international collaboration working on muon collider development.


* Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 483 364 893
Password: 562919

Registration for this event is currently open.