Introduction to DEELS 2020 virtual workshop
We will introduce a new acquisition system for storage ring beam current monitor.
It is based on the co-developped PandBox electronics, associated with a 24 bits 128kS/s ADC.
It offers the possibility of fast, triggered captures to measure injected current even during bursted injections.
We'll show the results of the first tests and the integration of this new measure.
Longterm performance is one of the most important properties of the beam position electronics. Stability is not measured in micrometers over few hours anymore but over several days. The new BPM module was tested using "well known" testing setup but test results revealed unexplained drifts.
Performance requirements, hardware implementation, optimization and testing cycles and results are...
In the cSTART project, KIT (Karlsruhe Institute for Technology) will build a very large acceptance compact storage ring (VLA-cSR) aiming to demonstrate and examine the injection and the storage of a laser wakefield accelerated (LWFA) beam. As for the first operation phase, FLUTE (Ferninfrarot Linac- und Test-Experiment) will be used as an injector to the storage ring delivering an electron...
Bunch purity measurements are widely based on the technique of Time Correlated Single Photon Counting using an X-ray Avalanche Photo Diode (XAPD) as fast detector. XAPDs are advantageous because their dark count contribution can strongly be reduced by choosing an appropriate discriminator threshold in the counting system (see e.g. G.Rehm, DEELS 2014). There exist commercial systems based on...
Standard quadrupole beam-based alignment (BBA) techniques rely on
orbit data and on the sequential variation of quadrupole and
corrector magnets (CM). This results in time consuming measurements
of the order of several hours. Fast (10
kHz) beam position monitors (BPM) and CMs with ac power supplies are
routinely used in modern synchrotron light sources to drive fast
orbit feedback...
A software tool to design and simulate stripline BPM for FERMI is presented. Developed in a LabVIEW environment, it's now under review to handle button BPM and different transverse profiles for the next ELETTRA 2 project. The first results are then compared to the one from BpmLab
Multibunch Feedback systems in Diamond use the RF reference signal to sample the BPM signals. Uncertain reference phase variations due to upstream adjustments to the RF system previously necessitated regular manual realignment of the sampling phase. Locking the sampling phase to the measured beam phase has been investigated to improve the stability and robustness of the system and remove the...