June 27, 2022 to July 1, 2022
Prague, Czech Republic
Europe/Zurich timezone

Evaluating in-medium Λ isospin impurity from charge symmetry breaking in four-body hypernuclei

Jun 29, 2022, 6:00 PM
Hotel Pyramida

Hotel Pyramida

talk 3; Wed-IVb


Martin Schafer (Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)


We report on our recent result [1] concerning in-medium $\Lambda$ isospin impurity derived from charge symmetry breking (CSB) in the mirror hypernuclei ${\rm ^4_\Lambda H}-{\rm ^4_\Lambda He}$. Using pionless effective field theory and partially conserved baryon-baryon SU(3) flavor symmetry we find that the in-medium admixture amplitude ${\cal A}_{I=1}$ in the dominantly isospin $I=0$ $\Lambda$ hyperon retains its free-space value $\approx 1.5\%$ inferred by Dalitz and von Hippel [2] and recent QCD+QED lattice calculations [3]. In agreement with recent work [4] we observe that CSB affects spin-singlet and spin-triplet $\Lambda N$ channels differently - in opposite directions, with the former dominating by an order of magnitude. This difference might be explained as a consequence of SU(3) flavor symmetry.

[1] M. Schafer, N. Barnea, A. Gal, arXiv:2202.07460v2 [nucl-th] (2022).
[2] R. H. Dalitz and F. von Hippel, Phys. Lett 10, 153 (1964).
[3] Z. R. Kordov, R. Horsley, Y. Nakamura et al. Phys. Rev. D 101, 034517 (2020).
[4] J. Haidenbauer, U.-G. Meissner, and A. Nogga, Few-Body Syst. 62, 105 (2021).


Martin Schafer (Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Nir Barnea (Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Avraham Gal (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

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