Andrei Dumitru
12/10/2020, 09:15
Site Reports
News from CERN since the previous HEPiX workshop.
Haibo li
(Institute of High Energy Physics Chinese Academy of Science)
12/10/2020, 09:35
Site Reports
News and updates from IHEP since the last HEPiX Workshop. In this talk we would like to present the status of IHEP site including computing farm, HPC, Grid, data storage ,network and so on.
Tomoaki Nakamura
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))
12/10/2020, 09:50
Site Reports
KEK Central Computer System (KEKCC) has been upgraded by the full-scale hardware replacement and started the operation in September 2020. In this report, we present the specifications of the new KEKCC with the usage achievement of the previous system last year.