7–12 Jun 2021
Europe/Paris timezone

The ATLAS Muon Trigger Design and Performance

10 Jun 2021, 18:45


Experimental poster Performance Poster Session


Moe Wakida (Nagoya University (JP))


Muon triggers are essential for studying a variety of physics processes in the ATLAS experiment, including both standard model measurements and searches for new physics. The ATLAS muon trigger consists of a hardware based system (Level 1), as well as a software based reconstruction (High Level Trigger). The muon triggers have been optimised during Run 2 to provide a high efficiency while keeping the trigger rate low. We will present an overview of how we trigger on muons, recent improvements, the performance of the muon trigger in Run 2 data, and the improvements and the readiness for Run 3.

Primary author

Moe Wakida (Nagoya University (JP))

Presentation materials