20–21 Jul 2020
Europe/London timezone

The third ISOLDE Solenoidal Spectrometer Workshop will be held virtually across two afternoons on 20th and 21st July. This workshop will aim to update the community on the status of the ISOLDE Solenoidal Spectrometer project and future developments that will expand the capabilities of the device. The primary objective of the workshop is for the collaboration to discuss proposals to the upcoming INTC for experiments to run in 2021.

If you are planning to submit a proposal to the November meeting of the INTC (submission deadline 22nd September 2020) using the ISS, then we ask that you present your plans to the collaboration during this workshop.. The collaboration will provide advice/feedback on the technical feasibility of all proposals.

The workshop will take place over two afternoons sessions via Zoom (connection details below). We ask you to register to receive updates about the schedule and connection details in due course.


Zoom connection details

Meeting ID: 945 5801 5954
Password: 635247

Zoom Icon Join Zoom Meeting!

iCal Icon iCal link



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Registration for this event is currently open.