HSF WLCG Virtual Workshop on New Architectures, Portability, and Sustainability
Survey and Follow-up
Many thanks to those of you who responded to the survey. We presented the results, as well as follow-up items and a discussion on future planning on Wednesday 17 June.
The HSF and WLCG have organised this virtual event to focus on the challenges and opportunities of new computing architectures. This is a critical and highly relevant topic for HEP where much progress is being made, but there remain many open questions to discuss.
Adapting to the needs of the communty to host more virtual participation events we will hold this meeting over 3 days, from 16-18h each day, to maximise the opportunity to participate.
Three themes will be addressed across the three days:
- Application Software
- Processing Frameworks
- Validation and Accounting
We will be exploring new ways to interact effectively during events like these, with more emphasis on having material available early and the opportunity to raise discussion points in advance. Trying to organise meetings with a lower environmental footprint is a goal we have beyond the current situation.
Please register for the event if you would like to join - it will help a lot for our planning purposes.
Scientific Organising Committee
- Ian Bird, CERN
- Simone Campana, CERN
- Ian Collier, STFC
- Caterina Doglioni, Lund
- Jose Flix Molina, CIEMAT
- Alessandra Forti, University of Manchester
- Heather Gray, UC Berkeley/LBNL
- Michel Jouvin, LAL-CNRS
- David Lange, Princeton University
- Oxana Smirnova, Lund
- Graeme A Stewart, CERN
Please don't hesitate to contact us with suggestions about how to make this virtual workshop as successful as possible.
Connection details:
(Meeting ID: 942 5194 2799; Password: WLCGHSF)
Please note - the meeting will be recorded and made available after the event. If you do not want to be recorded then please send your questions to the session chair, use the workshop notebook or the Zoom chat feature.
Adriano Di Florio
Agnieszka Dziurda
Akanksha Vishwakarma
Alaettin Serhan Mete
Alan Malta Rodrigues
Alessandra Forti
Alexander Undrus
Alvaro Fernandez Casani
Andrea Ceccanti
Andrea Sartirana
Andrea Sciabà
Andrea Valassi
Andreas Gellrich
Andreas Salzburger
Andrew Malone Melo
Andrew McNab
Andria Arisal
Anil Panta
Anna Mazzacane
Anna Zaborowska
Anton Poluektov
Antonio Perez-Calero Yzquierdo
Archit Srivastava
Arnulf Quadt
Artem Petrosyan
Asoka De Silva
Ben Couturier
Benedikt Hegner
Benjamin Morgan
Bernhard Manfred Gruber
Cas van der Laan
Caterina Doglioni
Catherine Biscarat
Chang-Seong Moon
Christoph Wissing
Christopher Jones
Christopher Jones
Christos Leonidopoulos
Claire David
Claudio Grandi
Concezio Bozzi
Daekwon Kim
Dan Riley
Daniele Spiga
Danila Oleynik
Darren Moore
Dave Dykstra
Dave Morris
David Adams
David Britton
David Chamont
David Crooks
David Lange
David Michael South
Davide Costanzo
Davide Salomoni
Dirk Duellmann
Domenico Giordano
Doug Benjamin
Duc Hoang
Edith Knoops
Edoardo Martelli
Edson Carquin Lopez
Eduardo Rodrigues
Efe Yazgan
Elisabetta Maria Pennacchio
Elizabeth Sexton-Kennedy
Eric Fede
Eric Grancher
Eric Yen
Erik Wallin
Evangelos Kourlitis
Evgeny Stambulchik
Fabio Hernandez
Federico Stagni
Felix Lee
Frank Winklmeier
Gabriele Cosmo
Gang Chen
Gavin McCance
Georgiana Mania
Gianfranco Sciacca
Gianluca Petrillo
Gloria Corti
Gonzalo Merino
Gordon Watts
Graeme A Stewart
Grigori Rybkin
Guilherme Amadio
Guy Barrand
Hadrien Benjamin Grasland
Heidi Schellman
Helge Meinhard
Hideki Miyake
Horst Severini
Ian Bird
Ian Collier
Ianna Osborne
Ines Ochoa
Ivan Glushkov
Ivan Kisel
James Amundson
James Catmore
James Letts
James William Walder
Jieun Hong
Jim Pivarski
Jiri Chudoba
Johan Bregeon
Johannes Elmsheuser
John Apostolakis
Jonas Eschle
Jorge Gomes
Jose Flix Molina
Joseph Osborn
Julia Andreeva
Katy Ellis
Kaushik De
Kenneth Herner
Kevin Patrick Lannon
Kevin Pedro
Kilian Lieret
Laurent Duflot
Leonardo Cristella
Luca Atzori
Luisa Arrabito
Lukasz Kreczko
Maarten Litmaath
Manfred Ferdinand Alef
Manuel Giffels
Marcela Garcia
Marco Cattaneo
Marco Clemencic
maria girone
Mark Hodgkinson
Marko Bracko
Markus Elsing
Markus Klute
Markus Schulz
Martin Gasthuber
Martin Ritter
Mason Proffitt
Matthieu Carrère
Matti Kortelainen
Mattias Wadenstein
Meifeng Lin
Michael Boehler
Michel Jouvin
Michele Michelotto
Mihai Ciubancan
Mike Hildreth
Milos Lokajicek
Miron Livny
Miroslav Saur
Muhammad Aleem Sarwar
Nils Erik Krumnack
Nurcan Ozturk
Oliver Freyermuth
Oliver Gutsche
Oxana Smirnova
Pablo Llopis Sanmillan
Paolo Calafiura
Paul James Laycock
Paul Nilsson
Pere Mato
Peter Clarke
Peter Van Gemmeren
Peter Wienemann
Philippe Canal
Predrag Buncic
Qiang Li
Randall Sobie
Reda Tafirout
Remco de Boer
Ricardo Rocha
Robert William Gardner Jr
Roel Aaij
Roger Jones
Rogerio Iope
Rolf Seuster
Santiago Gonzalez De La Hoz
Scott Snyder
Sebastian Lopienski
Shawn Mc Kee
Shengquan Tuo
Stefan Roiser
Stefano Piano
Tadej Novak
Takanori Hara
Tao Lin
Teng Jian Khoo
Thomas Hartmann
Thomas Junk
Thomas Kress
Thomas Kuhr
Tim Bell
Todor Trendafilov Ivanov
Tom Dack
Tomas Lindén
Tommaso Tedeschi
Tomoaki Nakamura
Torre Wenaus
Tristan Sullivan
Tulay Cuhadar Donszelmann
Vakho Tsulaia
Victor Daniel Elvira
Vincent R. Pascuzzi
Vladimir Ivantchenko
Volker Beckmann
Walter Hopkins
Wenlong Yuan
Witek Pokorski
Xavier Espinal
Xavier Valls Pla
Xiaocong Ai
Xinli Liu
Yaodong Cheng
YeongDeok Seo
Yuji Kato
Yuri Fisyak
Zach Marshall