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LISA Mid-Term Review - ONLINE



Meeting ID: 953 6409 5138 Passcode: 044054 Click on the "go to map" link below to directly open Zoom link
Bruce Marsh (CERN), Thomas Elias Cocolios (KU Leuven - IKS)

LISA is a European Commission funded MSCA Innovative Training Network on radioactive ion beam research and applications, laser spectroscopy, scientific laser technologies and atomic theory. 

LISA Mid-Term Review brings together EU officer, consortium members and recruited researchers.

Participation is compulsory to the whole network, Beneficiaries, Partners and LISA ESRs. 

The LISA Mid-Term Review is immediately preceded by the LISA Training Kick-off event.

A certificate of participation accounting for 2 ECTS will be provided to participants who followed both these events.

LISA Management Team
  • Wednesday 25 November
    • Welcome

      Welcome word from the Network Coordinator, the Research Programme Administrator at the European Union and tour de table for all beneficiaries and partners

      Convener: Bruce Marsh (CERN)
      • 1
        Welcome word from the Network Coordinator
        Speaker: Bruce Marsh (CERN)
      • 2
        Welcome word from the EU Research Programme Administrator
        Speaker: Fabrizio Martone (European Commission, Research Executive Agency)
      • 3
        Tour de table
        Speaker: Bruce Marsh (CERN)
    • Progress report overview: Part 1

      Overview of the Progress Report that was submitted to the European Commission prior to this meeting, with emphasis on the most relevant part achieved in the first year.

      Convener: Bruce Marsh (CERN)
      • 4
        Progress Report: Overview

        Global overview of the complete Progress Report, with added details for the parts that will not get a dedicated session.

        Speaker: Bruce Marsh (CERN)
    • WP 3: Medical and societal applications of actinides
    • 15:30
    • WP 5: Exploring the limits of nuclear existence
      • 7
        WP overview
        Speaker: Iain Moore (University of Jyväskylä)
      • 8
        ESR Contributions

        Each ESR from that WP presents themselves and their research

        Speakers: Andrea Raggio (JYU), Jessica Warbinek (GSI), Lauren Reed (JGU), Vaila Leask (KU Leuven)
    • 16:45
    • WP 2: Novel techniques and technologies for actinide research
      Convener: Valentine Fedosseev (CERN)
  • Thursday 26 November
    • Progress report overview: Part 2

      Overview of the Progress Report that was submitted to the European Commission prior to this meeting, with emphasis on the most relevant part achieved in the first year.

      • 11
        Training Office

        The structure, plans and achievements of the Training Office during the first year of the LISA project will be presented.

        Speaker: Prof. Thomas Elias Cocolios (KU Leuven - IKS)
      • 12
        Communication strategy

        The communication strategy for the LISA network will be presented, including the preparatory work that was performed (such as the series of templates made available) and the plans for continued presence at the level of the scientific community, towards the general public, and towards policy makers.

        Speaker: Daniela Antonio (CERN)
      • 13
        Recruitment of the ESRs

        The recruitment process will be presented, with an overview of the final selection of ESRs. Most of the ESRs will have started by then and an update will be presented on the HR status of the project.

        Speaker: Ingrid Haug (CERN)
      • 14

        The independent ethics review panel of the LISA network will be introduced. The chair of the panel will present the work achieved so far as well as the points of attention in the coming years for the project.

        Speaker: Prof. Ria Bogaerts (UZ Leuven)
    • 10:40
    • WP4: Enhanced understanding of the actinide atomic structure
      • 15
        WP overview
        Speakers: Klaus Wendt (University of Mainz), Klaus Wendt (Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz (DE))
      • 16
        ESR Contributions

        Each ESR from that WP presents themselves and their research .

        Speakers: Helena Garcia Escudo (FSU), Magdalena Kaja (JGU), Miranda Nichols (miranda), Raphaël Crossa-Rosa (RUG)
    • Conclusion

      The network coordinator concludes on the discussion addressed during the event

      Convener: Bruce Marsh (CERN)
    • 12:10
      Lunch break
    • EU Research Programme administrator meeting with ESRs
      • 17
        Project Officer meeting with ESRs
      • 18
        Debriefing with NC
        Speaker: Bruce Marsh (CERN)
    • EU Research Programme administrator debriefing with the network coordinator
    • Supervisory Board: Closed session

      Meeting to further discuss the practical points where decisions are required and vote upon them.
      One representant from each beneficiary and partners attend as well as the ESR representative elected.

      Convener: Bruce Marsh (CERN)
    • 2020 Lise Meitner Award Ceremony