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14–19 Sept 2020
Europe/Rome timezone

IMPORTANT NEWS (August 1st 2020)

Low x will be postponed by one year to Fall 2021 given the situation with COVID-19. New cases are now appearing in Europe with countries closing their borders again and we feel that it is impossible to hold Low x under these conditions.  Thank you very much for all participants that were interested in coming, and see you next year in Elba!




The organizing committee is paying close attention to the coronavirus pandemic situation development. In this sense, please treat this registration form as a ``pre-registration''. We will confirm whether an in-person meeting will take place in July 2020 via e-mail for registered participants, and on this webpage.


The purpose of the Low-x workshop is to stimulate discussions between experimentalists and theorists in diffractive hadronic physics, QCD dynamics at low-x, parton saturation and exciting problems in QCD at HERA, Tevatron, LHC, RHIC and the future EIC.

The conference venue will tentatively be at Hotel La Biodola in Elba island in Italy from September 14th through September 18th 2020. Full boarding at the hotel (breakfast, lunch and dinner) will be included in the price of the hotel.

We ask people to register temporally and we will confirm the meeting by the beginning of July 2020.

The fees will be about 200 Euros and will cover the coffee breaks and a short tour of the island.

Low-x is an annual workshop whose spirit is to favour fruitful and informal discussions between experimentalists and theorists in low-x, diffractive hadronic physics and exciting problems in QCD at HERA, Tevatron and LHC.

The workshop will allow theorists and experimentalists from different areas (LHC, RHIC, EIC, HERA...) to meet and contribute together. The workshop is by invitation and about 70 physicists are expected to attend in order to favor exchanges between participants. Discussion sessions (about 2 hours per day) will be organized so that new ideas in theory or experiments can be further developed.


Low-x has been held since DESY (1993), then Saclay (May 1994), Cambridge (July 1995), Durham (June 1996), Madrid (June 1997), Berlin (June 1998), Tel Aviv (June 1999), Oxford (July 2000), Cracow (June 2001), Antwerpen (September 2002), Nafplio (June 2003), Prague (September 2004), Sinaia (June 2005), Lisbon (June 2006), Helsinki (September 2007), Crete (July 2008), Ischia (September 2009), Kavala (June 2010), Santiago de Compostela (June 2011), Cyprus (June 2012), Eilat (June 2013), Kyoto (June 2014), Sandomierz (September 2015), Gyongyos (June 2016), Bisceglie (June 2017), Reggio Calabria jointly with Diffraction 2018 (August 2018), Nicosia, Cyprus (August 2019).

The Workshop is organized and sponsored by the University of Kansas and by EMMI.








  • Diffraction in e-p and e-ion collisions (including EIC physics)
    Inclusive DIS: total cross sections, structure functions, heavy flavors
    Inclusive diffraction and dijets in DIS
    Hard diffractive photoproduction
    Exclusive final states in diffractive DIS (vector mesons, DVCS, etc.)
    Analyticity/duality models of inclusive/diffractive reactions; Pomeron trajectory
    Diffraction at the EIC
    Forward detectors and Roman pots
  • Diffraction and photon-exchange in hadron-hadron, hadron-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions
    Soft and hard diffraction at the hadron colliders
    Total and inelastic cross section measurements
    Odderon physics
    Central exclusive production
    Forward physics at the LHC
    Forward detectors
    Gamma-p and gamma-gamma collisions at hadron colliders
    Low-x physics at LHC
    Beyond standard model and photon exchange processes
    Phenomenology of gap survival probability
    Monte Carlo for soft and hard processes
    Heavy ion physics at RHIC, EIC and LHC and the quark-gluon plasma
    Phenomenology of diffraction off nuclei
    Ultraperipheral collisions
  • Spin Physics
    New results on spin physics
    Spin and polarization physics
    Prospects in spin physics
    Generalized parton distributions
    Transverse momentum dependent PDFs

  • QCD and saturation
    The Electron-Ion Collider project
    Perturbative QCD and factorization issues

    Leading-twist diffraction and the breakdown of pQCD factorization theorems

    Leading-twist diffractive DIS and nuclear shadowing

    Non-universal antishadowing

    Progress in AdS/QCD and related topics
    Diffractive dijet, hadrons light-front wavefunction from AdS/QCD, and color transparency
    New results in the BFKL physics
    New results in the color dipole/kt-factorization approach
    New results within the Color Glass Condensate model
    Saturation and evolution
    Diffraction from non-perturbative QCD

  • Low x PDFs, forward physics, and hadronic final states
    PDFs at low and high x
    Jet cross sections
    Large radius jets
    Vector meson, pion, etc. productions
    Cosmic ray physics

The workshop will take place at Elba island.

Local Organizing Committee
Christophe Royon (Lawrence)

International Advisory Committee
Fernando Barreiro (Madrid)
Jochen Bartels (Hamburg)
Andrzej Bialas (Cracow)
Irinel Caprini (Bucharest)
Janusz Chwastowski (Cracow) 
Jiri Chyla (Prague)
Tamas Csorgo (Budapest/Gyongyos)
Robin Devenish (Oxford)
Jorge Dias de Deus (Lisbon)
Roberto Fiore (Cosenza)
Konstantin Goulianos (New-York)
Yoshitaka Hatta (Brookhaven National Lab) 
Edmond Iancu (Saclay) 
Valery Khoze (Durham)
Michael Lublinsky (Israel) 
Cyrille Marquet (Palaiseau)
Alan Martin (Durham)
Pierre Van Mechelen (Antwerpen)
Carlos Merino (Compostela) 
Sasha Milov (Rehovot) 
Nicola Minafra (Lawrence) 
Al Mueller (New-York)
Risto Orava (Helsinki)
Alessandro Papa (Cosenza)
Robi Peschanski (Saclay)
Michal Praszalowicz (Cracow) 
Fotis Ptochos (Cyprus) 
Albert de Roeck (CERN)
Christophe Royon (Lawrence)
Gregory Soyez (Saclay)
Eddi de Wolf (Antwerpen)

The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.
There is an open survey.