The data acquisition (DAQ) system used to read out and characterize the two versions of RD50 HV-CMOS prototype chips (MPW1 and MPW2) is based on the CaRIBOu (Control and Readout Inner tracking Board) system. CaRIBOu is a widely used versatile DAQ platform to characterize pixel detectors and ASICs, such as CLICpix2, C3PD and others. It consists of a system-on-chip board (e.g. Xilinx ZC706), a control and readout (CaR) interface board and an application specific detector carrier board. In a first approach chip boards and firmware for the chip specific functionality of both MPW1 and MPW2, respectively, were developed. Moreover, a custom software was implemented and executed in the embedded CPU of the SoC board to configure and read out the chips. For future integration into data acquisition frameworks like EUDAQ, chip specific device modules for the CaRIBOu DAQ software framework Peary are being developed and operated for the two RD50 chips.
In this contribution, we will describe the hardware of the DAQ system as well as first experience of the integration into the Peary software framework. Moreover, the latest developments of an alternative DAQ hardware, currently being developed at IFIC Valencia, will be presented.