Enrico Morgante
(JGU Mainz)
James Alvey
(King's College London)
Alexis Plascencia
(Case Western Reserve University)
Ogan Ozsoy
(University of Warsaw)
We will have the following poster presentations in the main Zoom room:
https://cern.zoom.us/j/7930190483 (password: see email)
(1) Enrico Morgante
Virtual guest office: https://mattermost.web.cern.ch/axions/channels/enrico-morgante
(2) James Alvey
Virtual guest office: https://mattermost.web.cern.ch/axions/channels/james-alvey
(3) Alexis Plascencia
Virtual guest office: https://mattermost.web.cern.ch/axions/channels/alexis-plascencia
(4) Ogan Ozsoy
Virtual guest office: https://mattermost.web.cern.ch/axions/channels/ogan-ozsoy
The discussion on the individual posters can be continued in the respective virtual guest offices.