Jun 22 – 26, 2020
Europe/Zurich timezone

More details

Email sent to all participants on 16 June 2020 at 11:30 AM CEST

Dear [Name],

We are contacting you because you registered for the event Zooming in on Axions in the Early Universe. This email summarizes a few important details for everyone who signed up after 11 June, 9:30 PM CEST. If you signed up at an earlier time, please regard this email as a kind reminder. In this case, there are three important take-away messages for you from this email:

1) If you haven't already done so, please join the Virtual Axion Institute. This is where we will meet during the virtual coffee breaks (for more details, see below):

[See link in email]

2) Please contact us if you want to present your work on axions in the early Universe on a poster (i.e., one slide) during one of our poster sessions (for more details, see below).

3) There are three options how to start a Zoom meeting from your virtual guest office:
a) If you have a Zoom license via CERN, click on the "Plugin" symbol next to the search bar and select Start Zoom Meeting.
b) Ask one of the visitors in your guest office (e.g., one of the organizers) who has got has a Zoom license via CERN to start a Zoom meeting.
c) Use your own (free) Zoom license (https://zoom.us/signup) to create a meeting and post the link to your meeting in your guest office.

Below you will find more detailed information on

I) Zoom room

II) Recording

III) Virtual Axion Institute

IV) Posters

V) Happy Hour

I) Zoom room

The Zoom room for all talks during the workshop will be announced on our INDICO page: https://indico.cern.ch/event/923834/ On this page, you can also find the schedule with the latest updates. The access code for our Zoom room will be: [See code in email]

II) Recording

We plan to record all talks (but not the discussion sessions) and make them available for the duration of the workshop on the INDICO page. After the end of the workshop, we will delete these recordings again.

III) Virtual Axion Institute

We are going to combine our regular workshop program with a virtual institute where we can meet and continue the discussion during the virtual coffee breaks. This virtual institute consists of a dedicated CERN-hosted Mattermost workspace that you can access via the following link:


Mattermost is an open-source and self-hostable alternative to commercial products such as Slack; for more details, see https://mattermost.com/ and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mattermost. To join this workspace, please click on the following link:

[See link in email]

and log in with a CERN single sign-on account. Typically, this means that you can simply use the same credentials that you used to log into INDICO when signing up for the workshop. In total, you can use your username and password for any of the following accounts: CERN, Facebook, Google, Orange, Windows, Yahoo, your organization or institution account (if it belongs to eduGAIN; see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EduGAIN). In our virtual institute, all speakers will have their own virtual guest office, i.e., their own discussion channel. These virtual guest offices are labeled with room numbers that indicate the order of the respective talks during the workshop. In each of the virtual guest offices, we will be able to continue the discussion when the corresponding talk itself is already over. If you are one of the speakers and do not wish to have your own virtual guest office, please let us know.

IV) Posters

The last session of each day will be a poster session, where each participant will have the chance to advertise their own work on axions in the early Universe. The exact duration of the individual poster presentation will depend on the total number of submitted posters, but will likely be somewhere around 10 minutes. Each presentation, including questions and discussion, should at most last 15 minutes.

If you are interested in presenting your own work at the workshop, please do the following:

1) Write us an email and let us know. We will then set up a virtual guest office for you in the virtual institute.

2) Prepare a poster, i.e., one (1!) slide on your work that you can present during one of our poster sessions. This poster is supposed to be a little teaser to attract the attention of the other participants and lure them into your virtual guest office. Please have a look at the timetable and pick your preferred poster session.

3) Post your poster on the pinboard in our virtual institute, i.e., post it in the pinboard channel of our Mattermost workspace. See also the example poster on the pinboard to see what we are roughly thinking of.

4) Invite other participants to your virtual guest office for a more comprehensive presentation of your work. How you use your virtual guest office is up to you. You can, e.g., schedule office hours, telling the other participants when exactly you will be around in your virtual guest office. You can also prepare a presentation of your work via Zoom, if you like. Or you post the PDF file of your paper and discuss it with the other participants via text chat. In any case, please make sure to decorate your virtual guest office with interesting notes, figures or files. For more inspiration, also have a look at the other virtual guest offices and how the other participants have decorated them. If you wish to give a more detailed presentation in your guest office during a coffee break, please let us know. We can then announce your poster presentation and the presentation in your guest office on INDICO. Please note that, for the presentation in your guest office, it will be helpful if you have your own Zoom license; see take-away message 3).

V) Happy Hour

After the end of the last session on Friday afternoon, we will have an informal Happy Hour for everyone who wants to stick around. We won't provide any specific program; the idea simply is to chat a bit and have a drink together. However, if you wish to contribute to this Happy Hour in a particular way, e.g., by playing something on your guitar, teaching us your favorite cocktail recipe, or organizing a little pub quiz, please feel free to do so. Any contribution will be highly appreciated.

We are looking forward to an exciting workshop week!

Best regards,

    Alvise, Kai, Tevong, Valerie

PS: Bonus if you made it to the very end of this email! Can you guess why we chose [see code in email] as the access code for your Zoom room? Post your answer in the coffee room.