26–27 Nov 2020
Europe/Zurich timezone

Physics beyond the Standard Model and the beta decay of 10C

26 Nov 2020, 14:40
Submitted Beta-decay Session


Bertram Andreas Blank (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))


One possible extention of the standard model of particle physics is the addition of left-handed scalar and tensor currents to the well-established V-A model of the weak interaction. These contributions can be tested by nuclear beta decay. The 0+ - 0+ decay of 10C and other light even-even nuclei can in particular determine limits on scalar currents.
In an experiment at ISOLDE, we have determined the branching ratio of the 0+ - 0+ branch of 10C decay with high precision. The results of this experiment will be presented and its limitations will be discussed. An outlook to a possible future experiment at ISOLDE under improved conditions will also be discussed.

Primary authors

Bertram Andreas Blank (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)) Mehdi Aouadi (CERN) Pauline Ascher (CENBG) Mathias Gerbaux Jerome Giovinazzo (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)) Mr Stéphane Grévy (CEN Bordeaux-Gradignan) Mrs Teresa Kurtukian Nieto (CEN Bordeaux-Gradignan) Michelle Dunlop (University of Guelph) Ryan Dunlop Dr Alex Laffoley (University of Guelph (CA)) Prof. Gwen Grinyer (University of Regina) Paul Finlay (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (BE))

Presentation materials