24 November 2020
Europe/Zurich timezone

The CTA Multi-messenger and multi-wavelength program

24 Nov 2020, 13:19


Alessandro Carosi (Universite de Geneve (CH)) Francesco Longo (Univ. + INFN)


The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) will allow observations in the >10 GeV range with unprecedented photon statistics and sensitivity to investigate the yet-unexplored physics of short-time-scale transient events. The CTA Transient program includes follow-up observations of a wide range of multi-wavelength and multi-messenger alerts, ranging from Galactic compact object binary systems to extragalactic events such as GRBs. In recent years, the proven connection between gravitational waves and short GRBs as well as the detection of VHE signal associated to GRB and the possible neutrino-blazar association on TXS 0506+056 has shown the importance of coordinated follow-up observations triggered by these different cosmic signals. In the next years, CTA will play a major role in this type of observations by taking advantage of its fast slewing (for LSTs), large effective area and good sensitivity, opening new opportunities for time-domain astrophysics in an energy range not affected by selective absorption processes typical of other wavelengths.

Primary authors

Alessandro Carosi (Universite de Geneve (CH)) Francesco Longo (Univ. + INFN)

Presentation materials