Oct 8 – 9, 2020
Europe/Zurich timezone

This student workshop on superconductivity, with a focus on SRF cavities, cryogenics, superconducting wires and cables, magnets, and more will take place on the last two days of the EASISchool 3.

The workshop will take place at the CNR-Spin facility in Genoa, Italy. In the event of a second outbreak of covid-19, we will follow the rules of the local government. If the workshop cannot be held in person, talks will still take place via videoconference.

Please submit abstracts in the following topics if you would like to give a talk (15 min + 5 minutes of questions) or present a poster:

  1. SRF (thin films, bulk, manufacturing, characterization, modelling)
  2. Wires and magnets (Nb3Sn, HTS, Thallium-based, Tapes/wires, magnets)
  3. Cryogenics (cryogenic refrigeration, cryogens, heat transfer, thermodynamics, fluid dynamics)

The timetable will be modified according to the number of abstracts received for the different topics listed above.

Guest speakers to be announced soon.

Proceedings will be publicly available at https://zenodo.org/

Corso Ferdinando Maria Perrone, 24, 16152 Genova GE, Italy