Presentation materials
While unbounded collective human mind continues to push beyond the boundaries in uncovering myriad mysteries of our universe, highly performing particle accelerators become indispensable tool to conduct successful experiments to shed light on such fundamental scientific inquires. On the path towards more efficient and sustainable particle accelerators, overcoming performance bottleneck of the...
The microstructural characterization represents an essential aspect for helping the enhancement of the material superconducting properties. Within the huge CERN project related to the realization of the FCC-hh, we focused on the microstructural analysis of superconducting materials envisioned as suitable candidates for some of its fundamental components: Nb3Sn for the bending...
The niobium-coated copper cavities are interesting candidates for replacing bulk niobium cavities in future facilities (e.g. FCC). Such cavities, ideally, should overcome some accelerator design problems related to bulk Nb cavities. However, Nb/Cu films tend to show more extreme “Q-slope” effect, and have other disadvantages compared to bulk-Nb cavities, which currently limit their application...