Virtual Docker Training
Registration is now closed. Do not worry, (1) the materials that are here will persist to be publicly available and linked from the timetable and (2) we will plan to host another training with this focus in the future. Thank you for your interest and we hope to be able to include you next time.
Registration Considerations
So as to facilitate an efficient organization of this event, we have chosen to impose a registration cap of 100 participants. We will accept pre-registrations until July 14 and notify you by July 16 if you are invited to participate. The selection of registrants will primarily be based on participation in the previous Virtual Pipelines event in addition to your ability to positively commit to attending this event in its entirety. However, if you are not able to register do not worry, the contents of the event will be preserved for later consumption and future events of this nature will be organized.
But what am I signing up for?
Our professional cadence is slowly returning from the effects of Covid-19, but we can still learn new and cool computing stuff in the virtual world! So let's do it! This is the second in a series of fully virtual HEP Software Foundation training events to help you learn about tools that are becoming ubiquitous in our community. The first pertained to "CI/CD" and the one you are reading about here will focus on "Docker" (if you aren't sure what that means and how to use it, you'll probably want to join us). You can also take a sneak peak at the content of the workshop here.
How much time will this take?
Everyone has a lot of things competing for their time, particularly now when our professional lives may largely be lived online. When considering whether the event for you, there are a few time considerations that may help inform that decision. [1] If you sign up, please plan to be engaged in the workshop. The materials will be available for everyone regardless of whether you register. [2] The training materials are composed of approximately three hours of recordings and require additional time to do the hands on work. [3] Pre-registering for the hands-on session means that you commit to engaging in one of the two hour blocks shown on the timetable. So in total, active participation will require approximately 8 hours of your time over the course of 3 days.
But why?
Large HEP datasets such as the Run-2 data set from the LHC are awesome! And collaborations like ATLAS and CMS are working to make the most of it by creating innovative analyses to learn from them. However, these analyses should not disappear when the people who wrote the code move on. Luckily, a number of tools have permeated HEP computing culture that can be used to help ensure that analyses are preserved in a robust way, thereby facilitating the reproduction of our own results.
This joint bootcamp with members from the entire HEP community aims to introduce analyzers who are already proficient in basic analysis tools and concepts (e.g. C++, Python, event selection, limit setting) to the next level of robust analysis by using the Docker virtual environment tool to make their software and analysis more portable thereby having a broader reach and impact.
Is this for me?
If you have ever spent hours trying to install ROOT (or some other package) and have found it horribly confusing on account of clashing dependencies, or perhaps you simply can't install it on your machine, then keep reading. If you are going to be doing science at the LHC in Run 3 or more generally "in the future" and you need to use computers - this workshop is for you. And/or if you are thinking of moving to a career outside of academia - this workshop is for you.
Can I attend remotely?
YES! The whole point of this workshop/bootcamp is specifically that you should be remote. We want you to learn with us and help us learn is we can bootstrap the collective technical intelligence of our community without physically being at CERN. To do so, we will be using Zoom.
Who is teaching at this thing?
The pedagogical material for this workshop was developed by Matthew Feickert (ATLAS) and has been captured in a set of pedagogical videos by TBD (TBD). In addition, we have a top-notch crew of mentors who will provide hands on debugging of your understanding and application to your specific use case.
- Sam Meehan
- Lectures by : Brendan Regnery
- Original Material : Matthew Feickert/Danika MacDonell
- Clemens Lange
- Robin Newhouse
- Samuel Meehan
- Adam Parker
- Leonora Vesterbacka
- Philipp Gadow
- Jackson Burzynski
- Kevin Nelson
- Meirin Evans