Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

31 August 2020 to 2 September 2020
Other Institutes
Europe/Zagreb timezone

Scientific Programme

All times are Zagreb (CEST) time (same as Paris)

Friday 28th August

10h30: Zoom room opens

11h00-13h00 Troubleshooting issues for labs pre-requisites and homework.

Monday 31st August


9h30: Zoom room opens

9h45: Welcome and school overview
Prof Raphael Hirschi (Keele University, UK; ChETEC Action chair)

10h00-11h00: Lecture 1: Stellar evolution and related nucleosynthesis processes (fusion chains and cycles & main and weak s process)
Prof Amanda Karakas (Monash University, Australia)

11h30-12h30: Lecture 2: Stellar explosions and related nucleosynthesis processes (neutrino-driven and r-process nucleosynthesis) [slides will be uploaded at a later date]
Prof Carla Frohlich (North Carolina State University, US)


14h00-17h00: Stellar evolution lab with MESA
Led by Dr Umberto Battino (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Demonstrator: Etienne Kaiser (Keele University, UK)
Pre-requisites: instructions + input data (m13.dat)

Lab instructions: click on this link

Tuesday 1st September


9h45: Zoom room opens

10h00-11h00: Lecture 1: Nuclear Physics theory [slides link emailed to participants]
Dr Thomas Rauscher (University of Basel, CH)

11h30-12h30: Lecture 2: Nuclear Physics experiments
Dr Alison Laird (University of York, UK)


15h00-18h00: Nucleosynthesis lab with Nugrid's PPN
Ondrea Clarkson (University of Victoria, Canada)
Demonstrators: Tom Lawson (University of Hull, UK), Raphael Hirschi (Keele University, UK)
Pre-requisites: You will need to have a github account in order to log in to the UVIC Astrohub (public & outreach) that will be used for the PPN lab. Here are the pre-school instructions to follow for the PPN lab.
Lab instruction: follow the Python notebooks that you can find in the sub-directories LabP1 (Lab1_intro.ipynb) and LabP2 (LabP2.ipynb) inside the chetec_labs_20 directory you cloned.

Wednesday 2nd September


9h45: Zoom room opens

10h00-11h00: Lecture 1: Abundance observations
Dr Camilla J. Hansen (MPIA, Heidelberg, Germany)

11h30: zoom "group picture"
11h30-12h30: Lecture 2: Galactic Chemical Evolution
Prof Brad K. Gibson (University of Hull, UK)


15h00-18h00: GCE lab with NuPYCEE
Led by Dr Benoit Cote (Konkoly Observatory, Hungary)
Demonstrators: Tom Lawson (University of Hull, UK), Andres Yague (Konkoly Observatory, Hungary)
Pre-requisites: You will be able to use the same Astrohub as for the PPN lab or download the NuPyCEE code: instructions.

Lab instructions: instructions & presentation.